OE-A and University of Applied Sciences Munich organized several lectures and practical sessions on printing and characterizing organic electronic devicesOn March 28 (co-located with LOPEC 2017) the OE-A Working Group Education offered lectures on lab safety, printing methods, as well as fundamentals of supercapacitors and their characterization.The OE-A Working Group Education organized a hands-on workshop for students (free of charge) to actively gain lab experience of printing and characterizing organic electronic devices using supercapacitors as example. This workshop was addressed to students who are interested in the field of Organic Electronics and who may not have access to printing labs or characterization tools.The workshop program included, amongst others, lectures on lab safety, printing methods, as well as fundamentals of supercapacitors and their characterization. During lab time, students learned about the basics of printing and curing various functional layers, as well as characterized their printed supercapacitors.The workshop was fully booked: In total 15 students from various European countries participated. Their feedback was very positive. They believed the workshop provided a perfect balance between theory and practice and was well organized. Besides the informative presentations and the clear demonstrations of equipment, there was a very pleasant atmosphere.The workshop was sponsored by:
- DuPont Tejin Films
- C3 Prozess- und Analysetechnik
- Coatema Coating Machinery
- Henkel
- KiWo
- Munich University of Applied Sciences
- MDMI – Münchner Druck- und Medien-Ingenieure e.V.
- Tampere University of Technology
- OE-A
Organizational committee:
- Prof. Jan Bernards, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
- Prof. Ulrich Moosheimer, Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Jari Keskinen, Tampere University of Technology
- Melinda Hartwig, Chemnitz University of Technology